Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Ski Lesson

On Christmas, after all the presents were opened Jeff took me for my very first skiing lesson. I only fell five times.....go me!!!!:) I have two giant bruises on my leg and my bum, but I guess it was worth it since I had a great time. Jeff and his brother Patrick are both very good skiers, and they were very patient with me. It was a lot of fun and a lot of work. I was so tired by the end. After a few hours of trying to ski, I decided to take a break and head for the bar:) Jeff and Patrick went to ski on the more difficult slope and I enjoyed a hot spiked cider.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, you have snow, I'm so jealous of you.

    I hope your holidays where amazing, that Santa was good to you this year and in that at New Year's Eve you will have the best time of your life :).

    Thank you so much for the follow, I'm following you too.
