I love good food. I love eating good food and I love cooking good food. One of my favorite things to make is chicken salad. It is so easy and fast, and with the help of a rotisserie chicken it takes all of 10 minutes to prepare. I usually make it on Sunday afternoons, so I can enjoy it for the week, or however long it lasts, which around here is not very long. As for the actual recipe, I really don't have one. I just start adding ingredients and when it tastes good, I stop. There are however, a couple of things that I always do. I always buy a rotisserie chicken and I always toast the pecans in the oven. I often change out the ingredients, depending on what I have in the pantry. Sometimes I leave out the cranberries and add red grapes. You can add just about anything to chicken salad and it will taste great. I would love to know what your favorite chicken salad recipe is!
Rotisserie Chicken
Toasted Pecans (in oven for 10 min.)
Salt & Pepper
I'm making dinner now, and I'm so hungry now :).